Corporate Council on Africa News Updates


First Wave of Speakers Announced for the U.S.-Africa Business Summit
Corporate Council on Africa
CCA is honored to announce our first wave of confirmed speakers who will be attending the U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Mozambique in June….Read More>>

More Speakers Announced for the U.S.-Africa Business Summit
Corporate Council on Africa
CCA is honored to announce additional confirmed speakers who will be attending the U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Mozambique in June….Read More>>

Heads of State Confirmed to Attend the U.S-Africa Business Summit in June
Corporate Council on Africa

Corporate Council on Africa is honored to announce that the following Heads of State are confirmed to attend the 12th U.S.-Africa Business Summit in Maputo, Mozambique on June 18-21, 2019…Read More>>


Rwanda seeks US $1.3bn to subsidize its portion of the Isaka-Kigali SGR line

Construction Review Online
The government of Rwanda is seeking US $1.3bn to subsidize its portion of the Isaka-Kigali SGR line that links Rwanda and Tanzania… Read more>>

Kenya engages World Bank for $750m loan for budget support
Creamer Media’s Engineering News
The East African nation has multiple development funding programmes, worth billions of dollars, with the Washington-based lender, but the funding bypasses the Treasury and is usually channeled straight into the projects….. Read more>>


Uganda urged to tap into African tourism market
Observer Uganda
To drive his point home, Ikechi Uko gave the example of Ethiopian Airlines, currently considered the only profitable airline in Africa. He said the airline is buttressed by the fact that it flies to 54 destinations on the African continent… Read more>>

Zimbabwe lifts ban on buffalo bow hunting to boost tourism
ZimParks has relaxed conditions relating to the hunting of buffaloes by allowing the use of specific bows and arrows as part of efforts to diversify options for professional hunters and boost revenue from the sport….. Read more>>