Corporate Council on Africa News Updates


South Africa: 7 new countries can now visit South Africa visa-free
Business Tech
Out of the 193 countries who are member states of the United Nations, the Department has granted visa-free status to 75 countries. Of these 16 are in our continent and are SADC members and 59 are from all over the world… Read more>>

Tourism a major driver of reaching development goals but it needs much more financing and investment
Namibia Economist
Ministers, development partners and financing institutions need to better understand and recognize how tourism can contribute to the 2030 Sustainable Agenda. Tourism is explicitly mentioned as a target in three of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals…. Read more>>


An Assessment of Prosper Africa
July 17, 2019
Washington, D.C.

AGOA Private Sector Forum
August 4, 2019
Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
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