Corporate Council on Africa News Updates


CCA Insights: From the Pen of Florie Liser

Corporate Council on Africa
Dear CCA Members and Friends,
2021 is a year of hope and promise as we embrace new leadership here in the United States and collaborate with our African partners on economic recovery from the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic…Read more>>

Corporate Council on Africa announces new slate of Board Members
Corporate Council on Africa
CCA is delighted to welcome the following business leaders to the CCA Board of Directors…Read more>>


Readout of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Call with President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya

The White House
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya. The President affirmed the importance of the strong U.S.- Kenya bilateral relationship. He also emphasized the United States’ continued commitment to working closely with Kenya…Read more>>

‘Hopeful’: WTO’s first woman and first African chief starts work
Al Jazeera
The World Trade Organization’s (WTO) first female and first African director-general, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, started work on Monday, ending a six-month leadership void as she aims to revive the global trade watchdog in advance of an important yearend meeting…Read more>>


Ivory Coast’s tourism sector resists Covid-19

Africa News
Making tourism an important lever of the Ivorian economy by 2025 is the objective of the Ivorian government…Read more>>

Egypt’s tourism ‘will return to pre-COVID-19 levels by fall 2022’
Arab News
Khaled Al-Anani, who is minister of tourism and antiquities, said the sector’s recovery and restoration to pre-pandemic levels would be because of countries’ COVID-19 vaccination programs as well as Egypt’s efforts in developing archaeological sites…Read more>>