U.S. Pledges to Revamp Neglected Relationship With Africa
President Joe Biden’s top envoy signaled the U.S.’s intent to revitalize its long-neglected relations with Africa, where it has steadily been losing influence to China and other global powers…. Read more>>
Will Kenya’s New Expressway Be Accessible To All?
The Nairobi Expressway project is a China-financed four-lane dual carriageway that will stretch over 27 kilometres, linking Mlolongo town in the Machakos county and Jomo Kenyatta Airport, writes urban planner Laji Adoyo for The Conversation…Read More>>
After $1 billion investment, Google pledges to build a more ‘vibrant and dynamic’ digital ecosystem in Africa
CNN World
During the pandemic in 2020, nearly 20 million more Africans subscribed to a mobile service than in the previous year, according to industry trade group Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA), with 4G connections set to double over the next four years….Read More>>
Egypt: Renovated ancient promenade unveiled in Luxor
Africa News
Egyptian authorities unveiled the renovated ancient promenade in the city of Luxor dating back 3,000 years. This is the latest government project to highlight the country’s archaeological treasures… Read More>>
S.Africa tourism in turmoil after variant sparks travel bans
Yahoo News
Helpless and furious, South African tour operators are flooded with cancellations as countries follow Britain’s decision to ban travel from the region over the discovery of a new coronavirus variant… Read More>>