Corporate Council on Africa’s latest news


(Posted 01st June 2023)




Nigerian entrepreneur Olugbenga ‘GB’ Agboola joins Wall Street Journal CEO Council 
Business Insider Africa 
In a monumental achievement, Olugbenga ‘GB’ Agboola, the CEO of Flutterwave, Africa’s leading payments technology company, has been selected to join the prestigious Wall Street Journal (WSJ) CEO Council. This recognition positions GB as a global thought leader in fintech, while empowering Africa’s burgeoning fintech revolution… Read more>>

John Olajide: The Meteoric Rise of a Tech Solution Provider 
Boss Newspaper 
His technological vision is spread, covering software, engineering, healthcare among many others. He is a person, who has demystified the theory of silver spoon origin as the sure point of success. He has proved even from Ajegunle, stars are born. He is John Niyi Olajide, the brain behind world class enterprises leveled in technological acumen vis a vis Cavista Holdings, a renowned global software engineering solution firm and Axxess Global Partner, a leading global home healthcare technology company… Read more>>



U.S. Engagement in Comoros 
U.S. Department of State 
The United States is working with Congress to finalize a package of maritime security assistance, including UAVs and associated training to increase Comoros’ maritime domain awareness…. Read more>>

US Veteran diplomat Johnnie Carson races to enact Biden’s Africa agenda 
The Africa Report  
A former top Africanist at the State Department, Carson returned to government service in December to serve as President Joe Biden’s point man for delivering on the promises of his US-Africa Leaders Summit. Since then, the former ambassador to Kenya, Zimbabwe, and Uganda has been tapping into his half-century of connections across the continent to help turn America’s lofty rhetoric into concrete results… Read More>>


AI Crop predictor aids Africa’s crisis planning 
Sci Dev Net 
An Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool is using satellite remote sensing and machine learning to predict agricultural yields of key crops across Africa, to help mitigate the harms of climate change and other crises, its developers say… Read More>>>

West African and Sahel Leaders Unite to Improve Access to Fertilizer and Boost the Agricultural Sector 
World Bank  
His Excellency President Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the World Bank Group will host a high-level roundtable in Lomé on May 30-31 with leaders from West Africa and the Sahel to determine a common roadmap to accelerate the reforms and investments needed to make fertilizers more accessible and affordable across the region… Read More>>>

Tobacco farming responsible for Africa food insecurity – WHO 
Punch Newspaper
The World Health Organisation has blamed the food and nutrition insecurity affecting many parts of Africa on increasing tobacco cultivation. In a message mailed to The PUNCH on Wednesday to commemorate World’s No Tobacco Day, the Regional Director for Africa, WHO, Dr Matshidiso Moeti, said more land that should be used for the cultivation of good crops was used for the cultivation of tobacco, which destroys the ecosystem… Read More>>>


Energy-as-a-Service to mitigate Commercial and Industrial sector energy costs 
ESI Africa 
The Africa Investment Forum presented four renewable energy and sustainability projects worth nearly $1.5 billion to investors on the sidelines of the African Development Bank Group’s 2023 Annual Meetings.The curated projects, which are drawn from all of Africa’s regions, are sourced from the Africa Investment Forum’s pipeline.  They reflect gathering urgency in Africa, the world’s most vulnerable region to climate change, to accelerate climate action, including closing financing gaps by securing an ever-increasing share of global capital for the continent… Read more>>

Mobilising private sector financing for climate and green growth in Africa 
New African  
African countries need to mobilise a lot more private financing for climate change and green growth. Dr Akinwumi Adesina, President of the African Development Bank, proposes five approaches that governments and development partners should take… Read more>>


A year after outbreak, Africa waits for its share of mpox vaccines 
Los Angeles Times 
As U.S. public health officials brace for a possible resurgence of mpox ahead of the summer festival season, experts are warning that European and North American governments aren’t doing nearly enough to ensure that hard-hit African countries can also beat back the virus… Read More>>>

In Lesotho, WHO Trains Health Specialists to Strengthen Public Health Surveillance 
World Health Organization 
To strengthen public health surveillance in Lesotho using a network of expert systems for early detection of health threats, the World Health Organization recently conducted a training on Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources (EIOS) for over 20 health specialists from the Food and Agricultural Organisation, (FAO)the Ministries of Health, Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition, Natural Resources, and Environment… Read more>>


WEST AFRICA: BOAD and Africa50 to co-finance sustainable infrastructure 
On the sidelines of the 58th General Assembly of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group, which has just ended in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, the West African Development Bank (BOAD) has signed a partnership agreement with the Africa50 investment platform. The aim is to mobilise funding for sustainable infrastructure in West Africa… Read More>>

Unlocking Africa’s Economic Potential Through Quality Infrastructure 
Namibia Economist 
The Deputy Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Maureen Hinda-Mbuende is of the opinion that Africa’s long-term economic potential is centered around the quality of its infrastructure. The Deputy Minister spoke at the presidential handover of the Africa Road Maintenance Funds Association (ARMFA), which took place in Swakopmund last week… Read More>>


Gitex tech conference looks to Africa for new innovations  
National News   
Gitex technology week, which has long been a staple of the Dubai conference season, will open in Africa for the first time to showcase the best innovation the continent has to offer. As nations across Africa embrace a period of rapid digital transformation, new development opportunities will be on show at the three-day conference that begins in Marrakech, Morocco on Wednesday… Read More>>

Siemens joins forces with UN Women: Upskilling program for +600 African girls in ICT and work readiness skills kick off 
Siemens has partnered with United Nations (UN) Women Germany for an upskilling program of more than 600 young African women in South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Senegal, and Uganda. The joint initiative was launched in April 2022. Now, the first round of workshops has started. A hybrid event, hosted by Siemens South Africa, will kick off the African Girls Can Code (AGCCI) coding camp and the SieMent EmpowHer mentorship program… Read More>>

Digitalization and digital skills gaps in Africa: An empirical profile
Brookings Institution 
Digital technologies launched, in many ways, by the microelectronics revolution and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) advances which ensued in the 1970s—have had a profound impact on economies around the world. Ranging from frontier technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things, big data, blockchain, 5G, 3D printing, robotics, drones, gene editing, nanotechnology, and solar photovoltaic—these new technologies have significantly affected the sectors and workplaces of domestic economies around the world. In particular, increased digitalization has resulted in shifts in the nature and functionality of labor markets on both the demand and supply sides. Much of the focus on the relationship between digital technologies and the labour market, however, has been on the developed world… Read More>>