Corporate Council on Africa’s latest news


(Posted 20th June 2024)



Zenith Bank donates laptops and computers to KNUST and Ho Technical University
The Business and Financial Times
Zenith Bank (Ghana) Ltd has donated 20 laptops to the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and 10 desktop computers to the Ho Technical University (HTU).The donation follows a long-standing relationship between the Bank and the two institutions, and forms part of the Bank’s Corporate Social Responsibility of giving back and positively impacting lives in the communities in which it operates. The donation follows a long-standing relationship between the Bank and the two institutions, and forms part of the Bank’s Corporate Social Responsibility of giving back and positively impacting lives in the communities in which it operates. The Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Zenith Bank (Ghana) Ltd, Mr. Henry Onwuzurigbo who led the Bank’s delegation at the donation to KNUST said the gesture aligns with the Bank’s commitment to advancing ICT education in institutions…..Read More>>



Four Key Moments: Hearing on the Future of Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa, Haiti, and Other Nations
House Committee on Ways and Means
Ahead of the 2025 expiration of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) trade preference program, the Ways and Means Trade Subcommittee considered potential reforms to help the program better meet the interests of the United States, primarily expanding fair market access for U.S. farmers, and combatting China and Russia’s aggression on the African continent. Witnesses at the Trade Subcommittee hearing urged the Committee to consider reforms to meet key goals, such as resuming the Trump Administration’s free trade agreement negotiations with Kenya, addressing rules governing when countries become ineligible for AGOA based on per-capita income, and securing U.S. supply chains….Read More>>



Boosting Energy Investment Key to Africa’s Sustainable Growth
Mirage News
Meeting growing energy demand in Africa requires a surge of spending on clean energy projects, with swift action to tackle financial barriers so investment can reach the levels that are needed, according to a new report from the International Energy Agency (IEA).The report, Clean Energy Investment for Development in Africa, supports a flagship initiative launched today by Italy’s G7 Presidency at the Leaders’ Summit in Apulia. Called Energy for Growth in Africa, it aims to help foster a strong pipeline of bankable clean energy projects in Africa and to improve access to financing so the projects can come to fruition, with an emphasis on technical assistance and capacity building….Read More>>

G7 Leaders’ Statement on Energy For Growth In Africa  
Council of the European Union
We, the representatives of Canada, the Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the European Union, recognize that universal access to affordable clean energy is a key factor for sustainable, resilient and inclusive economic growth and social development, as proclaimed by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union’s Agenda 2063. It also contributes to meeting the climate goals of the Paris Agreement and to keeping a temperature limit of 1.5C within reach…..Read More>>




More Women in Africa Are Using Long-Acting Contraception, Changing Lives
The New York Times 
On a busy day at the Kwapong Health Centre in rural Ghana, Beatrice Nyamekye put contraceptive implants into the arms of a half-dozen women, and gave eight or nine more a three-month hormonal injection to prevent pregnancy. A few sought condoms or birth control pills, but most wanted something longer-lasting.“They like the implants and injections best of all,” said Ms. Nyamekye, a community health nurse. “It frees them from worry, and it is private. They don’t have to even discuss it with a husband or a partner.”…Read More>>

Metropolis Healthcare expands its footprint in Africa; Inaugurates Regional Reference Laboratory in Nairobi
The Financial Express
Metropolis Star Lab Kenya Limited, a subsidiary of Metropolis Healthcare Limited, on Monday announced the opening of its Regional Reference Laboratory in Nairobi, Kenya.With a strong presence in Kenya for over 10 years, the launch of this new regional reference lab strategically positions Metropolis to deliver cutting-edge diagnostic services to the community. Spanning over 6000 square feet, this state-of-the-art facility is equipped to process approximately 35,000 to 40,000 samples per month. It covers a wide range of specialties including haematology, microbiology, molecular biology, special chemistry, immunology, histology and cytology, the diagnostics company said in a statement….Read More>>



G7 Commits $420m Investment To Drive Africa’s Infrastructure, Green Energy
Arise News 
Leaders of the G7, an informal association of seven of the world’s advanced economies and some of Nigeria’s biggest trading partners, have pledged a $420 million investment commitment to boost infrastructure in Africa. The G7 countries include: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as well as the European Union (EU). Rising from its 50th summit in Italy, tagged: “G7 Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment”, they welcomed the commitments of $100 million and $320 million by partners, aimed at meeting the infrastructure and development needs of Africa through private sector engagement. The leaders agreed to support flagship projects to develop transformative economic corridors for quality infrastructure and investments, touching Africa, the Middle East, and Europe…..Read More>>

Five milestone Lagos projects by Hitech construction that redefined infrastructure in Nigeria
Vanguard News
Lagos is known for many things: vibrant culture, bustling markets, lively nightlife, and now, it is becoming synonymous with cutting-edge road infrastructures. Over the years, Lagos has undergone significant transformation through ambitious projects aimed at enhancing its infrastructure. These endeavors not only address immediate needs but also lay the groundwork for sustainable growth and development.In Lagos’ development plan, construction plays a crucial role in shaping the city’s future. Infrastructure projects are the backbone of a thriving metropolis, and Hitech Construction Limited, one of Nigeria’s top civil engineering companies, renowned for its innovative approach to infrastructure development, has been at the forefront of shaping Lagos’ landscape….Read More>>

Will forge long-term partnership with Tanzania across infrastructure sectors: Gautam Adani
The Statesman 
Gautam Adani, Chairman of the Adani Group, on Friday said the Adani Group is looking forward to forge a long-term partnership with Tanzania — one of Africa’s most promising and strategically important nations across industries including ports, renewable energy, and airports.Gautam Adani met Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan, saying it was fascinating to hear from her about the future of Africa.“It was an honour to meet the charismatic President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Her Excellency @SuluhuSamia,” the Adani Group Chairman posted on X…..Read More>>



AI agriculture pest detection tool from Kenya wins tenth Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation in Nairobi
Esther Kimani was named winner of Africa’s biggest engineering prize, the Royal Academy of Engineering’s Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation, in Nairobi on 13 June 2024. Her early crop pest and disease detection device was selected as the winning innovation for its ability to swiftly detect and identify agricultural pests and diseases, reducing crop losses for smallholder farmers by up to 30% while increasing yields by as much as 40%.Five million smallholder farmers in Kenya lose on average 33% of their crops to pests and diseases. Kimani’s innovation not only provides real-time alerts within five seconds of an infestation, offering tailored intervention suggestions, but also alerts government agricultural officers to the presence of diseases or pests, contributing to broader agricultural management efforts….Read More>>



Inlaks pushes for ICT growth in Africa at 3i Africa Summit 2024
Business Day
As part of its expansion plan, Inlaks, a foremost ICT infrastructure and systems integrator in Africa, showcased its products at the 3i Africa Summit held in Accra, Ghana with the theme “Unleashing Africa’s FinTech and Digital Economic Potential” which served as a platform for crucial discussions on digital assets, fintech for inclusion, and the Africa-Asia corridor, highlighting key issues shaping the future of ICT on the continent.Olufemi Muraino, Executive Director of Business Innovation and Transformation at Inlaks, in a statement said, “We are thrilled to be a part of the 3i Africa Summit, a crucial event that aligns with our vision of advancing digital transformation in Africa. Inlaks is dedicated to creating sustainable ICT solutions that empower businesses and communities across the continent….Read More>>

Nigeria seeks global cooperation to address tech challenges
The Sun 
Speaking at the 112th session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva, Switzerland, Barr. Nkeiruka Onyejeocha said, “We must continue to work together to mitigate the challenges of technology and its related threats to the world of work, while charting a more productive, resilient, equitable and more inclusive society for future generations.” The minister’s address at the ILC was in response to the Director-General’s report on the renewed social contract, outlining Nigeria’s position on the global agenda for decent work and social justice, and reaffirmed the federal government’s commitment to fostering a culture of constructive social dialogue and promoting decent working conditions in Nigeria….Read More>>



Ethiopia Opens Banking Sector to Foreign Investment
Kenyan Wall Street 
The African Development Bank has announced its official membership in the African Carbon Markets Initiative(link is external) (ACMI) as of 30 May. This strategic move is set to empower African countries and the private sector in securing additional resources to combat climate challenges effectively. Dr. Kevin Kariuki, the Bank’s Vice President for Power, Energy, Climate, and Green Growth, made the announcement during a round table at the 2024 Annual Meetings of the Bank Group, held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 27 to 31 May. “I am pleased to announce that the African Development Bank is now an official member of the African Carbon Markets Initiative. Through this decision, the Bank is committed to establishing a mechanism to support carbon market initiatives across our continent,” said Kariuki…Read More>>

What opportunities does Rwanda’s financial sector offer to diaspora?
The New Times 
Rwanda targets to position itself as a financial hub in Africa, attract investments to contribute to its target to become an upper-middle income country by 2035.The country targets to realise a gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of over $4,036 and a high-income country by 2050 with GDP per capita of over $12,476, according to the country’s vision 2050.To achieve that, there is a need to have skilled workforce to boost the financial sector by addressing the existing skills gaps – a move that the government of Rwanda believes the diaspora can contribute to….Read More>>


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