COVID19 – Daily updates from #Africa and for Africa


(Posted 22nd of March 2021)

#COVID19 Daily Update at 16.00 hrs GMT / 19.00 hrs EAT

This daily update is sponsored by #BrusselsAirlines, now once again serving #Entebbe #Uganda

Global overview:

124.049.583 Cases and 2.730.181 Deaths as of 22nd of March 2021

99.962.114 cases have recovered.

The mortality rate stands at 2.20 percent

Note: Some African countries are yet to file their updates today

#Tanzania has decided to conceal the true extent of the pandemic























































#Tanzania(509) continues to mislead the world about the extent of the pandemic




#Reunion(14631) both #France

Total cases in Africa: 4.141.110 Total deaths in Africa: 110.173

4 Responses

  1. Two countries in Africa account for half the infections. The figures hide some details. For example, Seychelles with a population of 86 000 people has 3800 infections or 4.5% of the population. South Africa has the highest number of infections but with a population of about 59 million, infection rate is 2.6%. Hopefully, with increaded uptake of vaccinations, Africa might remain the continent with the lowest infections and deaths.

    1. Thank you Elijah for actually reading the stats I publish every day and for internalizing the dynamics of the pandemic across the continent, especially vis a vis population numbers overall … If only I could find the added time to also include vaccination rates which would shed yet more light on the way the disease continues to spread or else find some barriers in vaccinated populations. The Seychelles has a fairly high vaccination ratio compared to the rest of Africa and yet has the pandemic made inroads there. In two days will the archipelago reopen for tourists – except for South Africa – and I will definitely monitor how infection rates will continue to move thereafter.
      Again, thanks for your contribution.

  2. Really relateble I just started my own travel blog and then covid hit and I could not travel anymore from my country. No travel planning for me at all ?