#COVID19 – With mainstream tourism gone are lodge operators becoming inventive


(Posted 27th March 2020)

The Kipling Lodge, located between Jinja and Kayunga on the Western bank of the River Nile, has like many other businesses been suffering from the lack of mainstream tourists.
Owned by Belgian investors – there are quite a number of them involved in the tourism and hospitality industry in Uganda – is this small upmarket place now using novel marketing approaches to generate occupancy and keep their staff employed rather than laid off.

Wrote Kipling Lodge:

First of all, I’d like to wish everybody strength and peace in those strange times. A special thought goes to those back in Belgium.

Those who decided to stay in Uganda on the other hand, still have the option to escape from the city and come enjoy some peace and quiet on the Nile riverbanks.

I am writing you to make a special monthly offer. Our staff and their families have now been contained at the Kipling since Saturday 21stMarch, everybody is healthy and we’ve made provisions for the coming months, on top of our lush organic garden who’ll be providing us salads, eggplants, peppers, pumpkins…

Amani School, our community project is now welcoming families who will all make sure that we keep creating value without leaving our premises. We’re as safe and as ready as one can be in those challenging times.

We would be happy to welcome up to six people for a period of one to two months. Financial arrangements can be discussed at a later stage, as they will depend on the service, autonomy, comfort you’ll desire but also of your capacity to contribute to our little community.

With the support of my Mom, who has been a hygiene specialist for almost 40 years for several Brussel’s Hospitals, we ’ve put in place strict preventives measures at the lodge since March 18th.

As of today, we have two violin players, an agronomist, two great Chefs, an electrician, a mason and many more talented people within our community.

The first week of your stay we shall apply slightly stricter distanciation and hygiene rules but very soon we’ll all be able to live together for as long as this lasts. Hopefully not too long of course! Our main concern at the Kipling is the suffering that an economic standstill will create and therefore we have prepared ourselves to be on the safe but active side.

Today we are receiving 100l of anti-bacterial, 500 pairs of gloves and 100 masks for the community at large outside our gates. Working with the community will be key.

We offer safety, internet, a diversified library, a pool with a view on the Nile, rooms going from a Royal cottage to some little self-contained studio, SPACE, great food, farming and fruit-drying activities, water-activities (paddles & sit-on-top kayaks), nursery (after “safety-week”), friends…

We’ll only welcome 6 new guests at the very most.


In the hope that one of you might recognize her or himself in our philosophy and coping-mechanisms. If you have questions feel free to write us an email or whatsapp +256 756020342

Making containment great again,

The Kipling Team



VERY impressive and ATCNews wishes them the very best during these trying times …