#COVID19 – Work-daily updates from #Africa for Africa

(Posted 18th of May 2022)


This workdaily update is sponsored by #BrusselsAirlines, serving #Entebbe / #Uganda – #Bujumbura / #Burundi – #Kigali / #Rwanda

Global overview
524.374.327 Cases and 6.293.401 Deaths as of 18th of May 2022

494.316.612 cases have recovered.

The mortality rate stands at 1.20 percent

Note: Some African countries are yet to file their daily updates


#SouthAfrica 3.899.841
#Morocco 1.166.100
#Tunisia 1.041.197
#Egypt 515.645
#Libya 501.904
#Ethiopia 471.040
#Kenya 324.071
#Zambia 320.680
#Botswana 306.614
#Algeria 265.828
#Nigeria 255.859
#Zimbabwe 249.748
#Mozambique 225.519
#Uganda 164.069

#Ghana 161.325
#Namibia 160.438
#Rwanda 129.927

#Cameroon 119.780
#Angola 99.194
#DRC 87.633
#Senegal 86.055
#Malawi 85.895
#IvoryCoast 82.008
#eSwatini 71.867
#Madagascar 64.276
#Sudan 62.195
#Mauretania 58.909
#CaboVerde 56.127
#Gabon 47.608
#Seychelles 43.235
#Burundi 41.530
#Mauritius 37.912
#Togo 37.026
#Guinea 36.597
#Tanzania 35.354
#Lesotho 32.910
#Mali 31.023
#Benin 26.952
#Somalia 26.518
#Congo 24.079

#BurkinaFaso 20.853
#SouthSudan 17.550
#EquatorialGuinea 15.910
#Djibouti 15.631
#CAR 14.649
#Gambia 11.999
#Eritrea 9.751
#Niger 9.013
#GuineaBissau 8.222
#Comoros 8.100
#SierraLeone 7.682
#Liberia 7.452
#Chad 7.415
#SaoTomeandPrincipe 5.973
#WesternSahara 34
#SaintHelena 2


#Reunion 411.363
#Mayotte 37.523 both #France

Total cases in Africa: 12.063.586

Total deaths in Africa: 254.402 

Total active cases in Africa: 576.976 Thereof critical: 957