Create the ultimate passenger experience


(Posted 29th September 2023)


IATA World Financial Symposium & IATA World Passenger Symposium


Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from the experts and network with the industry leaders as they debate a multitude of passenger experience topics such as:

Digital identity
Industry-government partnerships
Aligning airport infrastructure
A top-down approach to accessibility
Wheelchair best practice

Get all the information you need about contactless travel, how to ensure accessibility for all categories of passengers, how to align airport design, and much, much, more.

These critical discussions will focus on the key components of a truly customer-focused philosophy and will help you shape your company strategy and steer your innovations well into the future.


See the program for the Airline Retailing Track

See the program for the Airline Retailing Track



Get ready to hear from top-level executives and renowned industry experts!

Speakers include:

  • Alan Howell, Architect, Minneapolis, Saint Paul International Airport
  • Alberto Casamatti, Director General Operations & Accountable Manager, Air Dolomiti
  • Almudena Alcaide, R&D Director, Fundación ONCE
  • Antoinette Nassopoulos-Erickson, Senior Partner, Foster + Partners
  • Chris Chalk, Global Aviation Sector Leader, Mott MacDonald
  • Cristina Stacchini, Global Industry Relations Manager, Cisalpina Tours
  • Derwin Cady, Manager, Airport Technology & Innovation, Air Canada
  • Dino Zuppa, Chief Operating Officer, Standards and Research, Accessibility Standards Canada
  • Eric Lipp, Founder and Executive Director, ODO
  • Fernando De Castro, Airport Executive Manager, Florianópolis-Hercílio Luz International Airport
  • Graham Keithley, Vice President & Associate General Counsel, Airlines for America
  • Gregory Gobat, Architect, Aviation Facilities & Infrastructure Architecture, Port of Seattle
  • Ignacio Zozaya, Head of Coordination Office, European Border and Coast Guard Agency
  • Jason Odey, Director of Global Baggage Excellence, Air Canada
  • John Kirn, Manager, Accessibility Programs, International Planning & Regulatory Affairs, United Airlines
  • Kerianne Wilson, Director of Accessibility, Air Canada
  • Laura Pierallini, Professor of Commercial and Air Law, LUISS University of Rome
  • Laurel Van Horn, Vice President, Director of Programs, Open Doors Organization
  • Markde Laurentiis, Director, Passenger Rights –Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile, Italy
  • Matthew S. Davies, Executive Director, Admissibility and Passenger Programs Office of Field Operations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
  • Michael Swiatek, Chief Strategy Officer, ABRA group
  • Michelle Erwin, Founder and President, AllWheelsUp
  • Michelle Wilson, Senior Technical Advisor, USA Gov Transportation Security Administration
  • Neha Arora, CEO and Founder, Planet Abled
  • Nicholas Lisle, Director, AO Performance & Execution, United Airlines
  • Norbert Onkelbach, Chief Commercial Officer, Lima Airport Partners
  • Paul White, CEO, The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower
  • Ricardo Vidal, Head of Innovation, British Airways
  • Roberto Castiglioni, Founder and Executive Director, Reduced Mobility Rights Limited
  • Ronald Pettit, Director, Disability Inclusion & ADA Compliance, Royal Caribbean
  • Samantha Stedford, Director of Customer Experience, Pittsburgh International Airport
  • Sheila O’Brien, Director, External Relations, Guide Dog Foundation
  • Sonia Gangopadhyay, Director of the Centre of Expertise for Accessible Transportation, Canadian Transportation Agency
  • Stephanie Cadieux, Chief Accessibility Officer of Canada
  • Stephanie Lanza-Efthimiou, Head of Accessibility, Jetblue
  • Szymon Kachniarz, Senior Project Manager –Architect, CPK
  • Tracey Payne, Chief Administrative Officer/Managing Deputy Commissioner, City of Chicago Department of Aviation
  • William Harkness, Head of Accessibility, Boeing
  • William Neece, Director of Airport Solutions, Ozion
  • Xavier Mascarell, Customer Experience Manager, British Airways


World Passenger Symposium Tracks
View the Modern Airline Retailing Program
View the Pax Experience & Airport Program
View the Accessibility Program
World Financial Symposium Tracks
View the Value Creation Program
View the Protecting Value Program



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