#DiaryofaMuzungu’s last newsletter of the year


(Posted 29th December 2023)


Happy ‘what to the what’ as we say in UG

In my last newsletter of 2023, I revisit Queen Elizabeth National Park, 1978sq km that are very dear to me as the first place I worked in Uganda almost 15 years ago

Christmas elephant seen from the MV Kazinga Queen Elizabeth National Park.png


This photo was taken in November 2023 on the MV Kazinga.

"Communing with my inner warthog"

(How did I end up in the warthog’s hole?!)


Click here https://birdsend.page/616/4pWqB2f8tL to read the short newsletter.

Travelers with SafariBookings vote Uganda "best safari country"

A Happy New Year to everyone!


Charlotte Beauvoisin AKA Nagawa