Dr. Alain St. Ange gets down to business at opening of #POATE2024


(Posted 23rd May 2024)


Tourism Consultant Dr. Alain St.Ange of the Seychelles who has been working accross the African continent as well as the ASEAN Block met Freda Akullu, the Investment Manager for Tourism & Project Coordinator in Uganda for EU Tourism Grant Facility as both attended the Official Opening Ceremony. The event was officially opened at the Speke Conference Centre, Munyonyo, by the H.E. the Vice President of Uganda.

Dr. Alain St.Ange, the best known Seychelles tourism personality and the island’s former Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine Minister is in Uganda at the invitation of Minister Tom R. Butime, the country’s Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities and discussed  with Freda Akullu available opportunities related to his expertise in the work or projects by the Investment Manager Tourism in Uganda who also is the Project Coordinator for EU Tourism Grant Facility.

St.Ange is well versed is tourism growth potentials and existing opportunities across the entire Africa.

He was the founding President of the African Tourism Board and used this meeting to discuss the potential for his “Saint Ange Tourism Consultancy” with the Development Bank Tourism Desk that ties in with his work or missions with Tourism Boards and Ministries of Tourism in Africa, as the continent, inclusive of Uganda is pushing to consolidate their tourism sectors as a vital economic industry.

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