Ecotourism Kenya’s award gala night will be part of MKTE2014 programme


(Posted 02nd October 2014)

One of the highlights of the upcoming Magical Kenya Travel Expo will be the Gala Night at the Carnivore Grounds, when the annual Eco Warrior Awards are announced by EcoTourism Kenya. The much awaited awards will once more recognize best environmental practice and the implementation of green principles in the running of tourism businesses, today an essential part of reducing the industry’s carbon footprint, reducing emissions and making tourism overall more ecofriendly.

Also on the programme of the evening is the launch of East Africa’s Sustainable Tourism Report, and Ms. Judy Kepher-Gona was kind enough to share her summary of what to expect from this novel regional analysis:

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The report is a cocktail of the 5ps of sustainable tourism (product, profit, people, passion and purpose). It highlights approaches of sustainable tourism in Kenya, status of sustainable tourism in Tanzania, reveals winning practices from a sustainable tourism giant, engages in academic debate on the concept of sustainable tourism, reveals achievers from East Africa in global sustainable tourism arena. Thoughts and opinion pieces on sustainable are included, in addition to researched papers.

The report makes a good reading for tourism practitioners, policy makers, tourism professionals, and students of tourism, academics and all tourism interest groups.

For sustainable tourism practitioners to meet the need of today’s environmentally conscious and experience driven traveller, they must be informed and knowledgeable about trends and opportunities from sustainable tourism – Judy Kepher-Gona.

The report, which will be published three times a year, will challenge and inspire EA as a destination to advance practices towards sustainable tourism and build a new competitive edge.

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The awards ceremony night was aligned with the tourism expo and moved to a large venue to add further value to what has beyond doubt become East Africa’s leading tourism trade show, to which buyers and global media have been invited by the Kenya Tourism Board to see for themselves that the country is a fundamentally safe destination to travel to and got all it takes to give tourist visitors that experience of a lifetime, on safari as well as along some of the world’s finest beaches.

Participants to MKTE2014 can reserve their ticket for attendance in advance by writing to pr or via their website by clicking on to be sure to get a table for their company and guests.

As the winners will be a tightly guarded secret until the announcements are actually made, expect updates on companies and individuals named in their respective categories late on 09th of October or early on the 10th of October, so watch this space.