Elephant trophies banned

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Elephant trophies banned

US Upholds Ban on Elephant Trophies from Rogue States

Annamiticus | 01 August, 2014 | Martina Polley | Free to Republish

The US government has upheld its earlier ban on the importation of elephant trophies from Tanzania and Zimbabwe for the duration of 2014, despite vocal objections from hunting lobbies. In April this year the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service)… Full Story ?

Officials on the horns of a dilemma

Cape Argus | 28 July, 2014 | Adam Cruise |

The conservation of wild animals is a wrangle that has divided opinion into two diametrically opposed camps, writes Adam Cruise. As today is World Nature Conservation Day, it is fitting to bring up the current but somewhat prickly dispute regarding… Full Story ?

WildAid: The Race for New Chinese Thinking

Huffington Post | 31 July, 2014 | Jamie Joseph |

WildAid’s mantra, translated into Chinese, has permeated China’s culture and society – a remarkable achievement in the mission to stamp out the US$10 billion illegal wildlife trade. In this two part interview with Peter Knights, WildAid’s Executive Director, I delve… Full Story ?

The Race to Stop Africa’s Elephant Poachers

Smithsonian | July, 2014 | Joshua Hammer |

The call came in to Gary Roberts last March at his home in Béré, a village of subsistence farmers deep in the sorghum and cotton fields of southern Chad. Reports were circulating, a local conservationist told him, that a mass… Full Story ?

Edna, Edna, Wake Up: Where Is South Africa’s Conservation Leadership?

The Dodo | 01 August, 2014 | Steven Smith |

Someone please wake up Edna Molewa, South Africa’s Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, as she is clearly sleeping on the job. For several years now South Africa has witnessed its white rhino population fall under siege to poachers. From… Full Story ?

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