#Eritrea shows renewed hostility against Ethiopia as flight ban looms


(Posted 25th July 2024)



Eritrea’s Civil Aviation Authority has given notice to Ethiopian Airlines, that effective 30th of September flights between Addis Ababa and Asmara will be halted.

While this seems a longer notice period it is nevertheless raising a multitude of questions as to why the Eritrean aviation authority has come to this decision, which would halt passenger and air cargo traffic between the two countries. Overflights are as per latest information still possible, i.e. have not been revoked – as yet.

It is understood that Ethiopian authorities and the airline are seeking an explanation but as ATCNews is uploading this article, no feedback has been received. Ethiopian Airlines has since tweeted about the upcoming halt of flights.

Eritrean authorities meanwhile have reportedly alleged what they call ‘persistant malicious practices by Ethiopian Airlines including allegations of baggage pilferage in Addis, damage to baggage and delayed compensation and further to that fare hikes among a range of other allegations. Eritrea also claims not to have received any response from Ethiopia over complaints raised.

Ethiopian Airlines presently commands a market share of about one third of all passengers uplifted into and out of Eritrea. flying twice a day – three times on weekends – using B787 and B737 aircraft on the route.



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