#EthiopianAirlines plans to fly via Ghana to Canada


(Posted 14th June 2024)


Ethiopian Airlines says it is working with the aviation authorities in Canada to start its planned Ghana-Canada direct flights in early 2025.

Ethiopian Airlines was earlier granted a 5th freedom right to operate direct flights between Accra, Ghana and a yet-to-be named city in Canada.

Some international airlines flying to Kotoka International Airport already exercise fifth freedom rights,  granted to them by the Ghana CAA, and operate flights from Accra to other countries within the sub-region such as Dakar, Abidjan and Freetown.

Approval from Canadian authorities is, however, still outstanding standing in the way to launch flights at an earlier date.

Mr. Lemma Yadecha Gudeta, Chief Commercial Officer of Ethiopian Airlines, on the sidelines of the recently concluded IATA Annual General Meeting and World Air Transport Summit held in Dubai, UAE said in an interview that the airline expects to receive  the required approval from Canadian authorities later this year and would then launch direct flights between Ghana and Canada in early 2025.

There are  presently no direct air services between Ghana and West Africa in general and Canada although growing traffic numbers between Canada and West Africa suggest there is a need for direct flights.

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