Ewaso Lions – a news update


September 2015

Wildlife Vets Examine Injured Lengwe

This month, we found the lion Lengwe nearly unable to walk. Although we did not know the cause of his severe leg injury, we knew he needed medical attention right away. He could not keep keep up with the Koitogor Pride in Samburu National Reserve. We quickly coordinated a Kenya Wildlife Service vet and an X-ray machine from Nanyuki. Thus began a multi-day juggling game trying to get the lion, the vets, and the medical equipment together at the same place at the same time. Lengwe was eventually immobilized and diagnosed with a fractured femur. He is lucky: his joint was still in place, increasing his chances that it will heal naturally, as it’s almost impossible to treat this type of injury in a wild lion. Our team is closely monitoring Lengwe, hoping he makes a full recovery.

Watch the video and see photos of the operation »

104a14f9-f4c3-4ecd-98a9-12164cdc9243.jpgVisit Samburu with Google

Visiting Samburu’s lions just became a lot easier. Once again, Google has blown our minds; this time by bringing Street View to Samburu National Reserve. Now you can explore the park and see lions lounging or the famous elephant families. Our friends at Google and Save The Elephants teamed up to create this fantastic experience. Just click the link and begin the tour!

Take a tour of Samburu »

3200b6c1-f823-4ba1-8d69-7204a6484d1e.jpgOctober 10th: Wildlife Expo

It’s that time of the year again! We are heading to the U.S. to speak at the WCN Wildlife Expo in San Francisco. If you’re planning on attending, please let us know – we’d love to see you. We wish to say a big thanks to WCN for being great partners and welcoming us back to the Expo.

Learn More »

ea920f92-7494-4324-bfa4-260094b21ff5.jpgKenyan Theater Company Supports Lions

When the Nairobi-based theater company Aperture Africa Productions approached us about supporting lions, it sounded like fun. But we had no idea that they would donate the proceeds from their three sold out shows – and promote Ewaso Lions on Kenyan radio, newspapers and billboards. We loved their play, Out of Order, and are talking with them about future endeavors together to raise awareness about lions within Kenya.

Read On »

c1edb1ce-a780-42ac-85ff-39149b557c6b.jpgPhoto of the Month

With the Ewaso Nyiro River completely dried up, these dusty elephants seemed desperate for a drink. During these dry times, elephants will use their tusks to dig for water, while lions stay close to the river looking for thirsty prey. We are seeing rain clouds in the distance and hopefully come soon! Click the photo to see more dry season images.
