Fastjet introduces special deal for frequent flyers


(Posted 03rd September 2014)

The launch of ‘Smart Class’ by Fastjet aims to create added brand loyalty and offer in particular travelling business people extra options frequent flyers care about, like advance seat confirmation, notably a 32 kilogramme baggage allowance, plus that important ability to change travelling dates without, as is otherwise the case, losing the booking and having to buy an entirely new ticket.

At the same time has Fastjet’s Richard Bodin also announced the launch of a ‘Freight‘ package which allows for up to 80 kilogrammes of checked baggage, taking passenger demands to heart who often arrive from elsewhere with significantly more bags than Fastjet ordinarily permits and in addition exceeding the weight limits otherwise set by the airline or come to Tanzania’s commercial capital of Dar es Salaam to buy merchandise and then, unable to fly all their purchases home with them, opt for road travel instead of flying.

While the new packages will no doubt attract extra charges, it is understood that the base fares remain the same and those passengers opting to buy into the special deals will have to pay supplements which will be appearing on the company website

Fastjet, presently only flying out of Dar es Salaam while awaiting regulatory approvals in Kenya to commence operations there too, offers 25 flights per week to Mwanza and also serves Kilimanjaro and Mbeya on domestic services. International routes – Entebbe is due to be added in two weeks’ time – include Johannesburg, Harare and Lusaka. Key senior staff from Fastjet are presently starting to arrive in Uganda to prepare for the launch of flights on the 16th of September and further updates can be expected over the next few days until the inaugural flight from Dar es Salaam lands in Entebbe. Watch this space for breaking and regular aviation news from across Eastern Africa.