Festivals and sporting events aimed to draw visitors back to Mombasa


(Posted 06th August 2014)

The Hospitality and Tourism Sports Organization will host the inaugural beach run on the 17th of August it was learned yesterday ahead of the Mombasa International Cultural Festival which this year is held at Fort Jesus between the 21st and 24th of August.

Both events aim to draw visitors to the Kenyan coast and dispel fears and concerns over security issues which in recent months have dogged the tourism businesses in Mombasa and along the entire coast line. Besides a major cleanup of the old town has security been boosted to ensure that visitors to the festival, Kenyans and foreign tourists alike, will be safe and can enjoy the performances and events without worries.

The Mombasa county government will this year reportedly pump some 50 million Kenya Shillings into the cultural festival which also coincides with the holiday period for Kenyan schools, allowing parents to take their kids to the coast for a vacation.

The beach run has attracted such high profile sponsors and supporters like national carrier Kenya Airways, the Kenya Tourism Board and the Kenya Wildlife Service besides a number of additional private sector companies.