For Liberation Day does RDB give 100 gorilla permits to 100 youths in #Rwanda


(Posted 05th July 2018)


To celebrate Liberation Day 2018 will RDB award 100 youth with gorilla permits

The liberation of Rwanda has brought prosperity and security to Rwanda but it has also played an essential role in the conservation of the country’s natural resources. As a result, tourism in Rwanda has grown in leaps and bounds

To celebrate the 24th anniversary of the Liberation Day, RDB, short for Rwanda Development Board – under which tourism and conservation fall – will give 100 young Rwandans, who turn 15 years old this year, the once in a lifetime opportunity to trek the endangered mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park in December. This is part of RDB’s policy to encourage domestic tourism in Rwanda and cultivate a culture of conservation among the youth.

How to Participate

Everyone turning 15 years old this year is encouraged to visit RDB’s information and sales offices throughout the country and fill in a form that will give them the opportunity to participate in a raffle draw. 50 winners will be selected from the raffle competition.

The next 50 will be nominated through Twitter

To participate in the Twitter competition, the general public is encouraged to nominate anyone turning 15 this year by simply drafting a special message, making sure to include the nominee’s name and photo. Then add the hashtag #TemberaURwanda15 and tag @visitrwanda_now.

All the winners will be able to undertake the magical trek with one person of their choice.

The competition will close on 18th July.

Transport to Volcanoes National park will be provided by RDB and Terms and Conditions will apply accordingly.