Four Major Wildlife crises in SA and where is the DEA?

Conservation Action Trust News Updates on South Africa’s failure to protect wildlife

Conservation Action Trust
4 Major Wildlife crises in SA, where is the DEA?

3 March 2017 | Traveller24 | Louzel Lombard Steyn |

Cape Town – While the Department of Environmental Affairs is the custodian of SA’s wildlife and natural resources on a governmental level, a few pressing environmental cases in dire need of national attention are being blatantly ignored. Apart from the fact that the DEA says it would like to legalise domestic trade in rhino horn … Full Story ?


Neocolonial Conservation: Is Moving Rhinos to Australia Conservation or Intellectual Property Loss

February 2017 | Wiley Online Library | Matt W. Hayward, Willian J. Ripple, Graham I.H. Kerley, Marietjie Landman, Roan D. Plotz, Stephen T. Garnett |

Abstract The Australian Rhino Project ( proposes importing 80 rhinos from South Africa to Australia by 2019 at a cost of over $US4 million, with the first six due to have been moved in 2016. This project has high-profile supporters in the private sector, zoos, and both governments, and is gaining major publicity through association … Full Story ?


Global wild cat group Panthera slams DEA for lion bone export proposal

2 March 2017 | Traveller24 | Louzel Lombard Steyn |

Cape Town – The global wild cat conservation organisation Panthera has added their weight in the plea against the Department of Environmental Affairs’ plan to legally export 800 captive-bred lion skeletons from SA this year.  “Panthera is calling on the DEA to institute a moratorium on lion bone exports, effective immediately,” the organisation said in … Full Story ?