Golf on Reunion Island, one of many ways to pass vacation time


(Posted 01st June 2017)

The Réunion Island Golf Association and its partners P’ti Snacks of Reunion Island, the regional airline Air Austral, Lux * Saint-Gilles, Réunitours, Havas Reunion and the Reunion Region make To live for the second consecutive year an exceptional moment on Reunion, aka as the ‘Intense Island‘, on the occasion of the Golf Trophies competitions . Seven stages are organized in the largest regions of France, where the island is honored through a stand and a golf challenge dedicated to amateurs.

From May to September 2017, the island of La Reunion swings the greens of metropolitan France at the. The competition, dedicated to amateur golfers, is an event that is competed over in individual stableford over 18 holes. In total, seven stages are programmed:

Lyon May 7, 2017 at the golf course of Lyon Salvagny
Strasbourg on 13 and 14 May 2017 at the Golf de la Wantzenau
Paris on June 4, 2017 at the golf course of Ozoir la Ferrière
Versailles on 18 June 2017 at the RCF La Boulie
Bordeaux on 25 June 2017 at the Bordeaux golf course
Nantes September 3, 2017 at the golf course of Nantes Vigneux
Lille on September 10, 2017 at the golf of Lille Bondue

On each of these stages, random draws will identify the lucky winners:

A plane ticket to the island of La Réunion;
A hotel stay at the Lux * Saint-Gilles;
An excursion to the volcano;
A car rental.

Come also try your luck to win a golf package "Golf Open Reunion Island". The winner of the draw will be registered to participate in the Reunion Golf Open , which will take place in November under the intense sunshine of the island.

Want to swing under the intense island sun?
Check this out:
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Find the photo album of the Golf Trophies of the island of Reunion on the

Facebook page News of the island of Reunion .