Great deals for Reunion vacations on offer in select European markets


(Posted 02nd September 2014)

Vanilla Islands founder member Reunion, a French region deep in the Indian Ocean between Madagascar and Mauritius, is clearly on the roll, capitalizing on increased visibility and positive publicity generated as a destination with no problems. IRT, Ile de la Reunion Tourisme, is presently working the French speaking regions of Belgium and Switzerland, besides continuing an ongoing campaign in France itself, with a special message that flights to St. Denis’ Roland Garros International Airport are now as low as they come with home carrier Air Austral taking the lead.

After the traditional European school holidays are now over, demand normally drops but special offers on air fares as well as for accommodation for the month of September will no doubt stimulate more demand for trips to the island. Reunion is unique in as far as the island’s tourism products go, with the conventional beach holidays complemented by a wide range of adventure activities, offering visitors seeking an active holiday exactly the right mix. In particular the well-marked trails into and across the interior of the island are in growing demand, as are such activities like white water rafting, paragliding apart from deep sea fishing, whale and dolphin watching or getting intimate knowledge how vanilla is grown and processed or how rum is made from the sugar cane to the tasty beverage coming out of a bottle. The island offers a unique blend between French infrastructure and organization and the Creole culture, history and cuisine, making the idea of a holiday there almost irresistible.

Current offers by various airlines can be accessed here: special offers from airlines

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