Guest Post by Njeri Kimani – Outdoor Episodes

Outdoor Episodes

If it is Outdoor, It’s an Episode

A Holiday Educational Trip!

September 2019

I view life as a Continuous Learning experience and this episode was no different.

During the school holiday, I like spending time with my little one. He is so much fun to be around. So one day we randomly wake up and decided we are going out for the day. All packed up with even a change of clothes, we took the car and off we were to our adventure.

My Audacious Goal was to have a day where we bond, have fun and tire ourselves out.

Our First Stop was Stedmak Gardens, located in Nairobi, Kenya. I know he would learn a thing or two that would help him and have fun while at it. We started off at the Sanctuary. They have a variety of birds. I would call it a bird watchers Paradise, it has almost if not over 30 different species of beautiful birds.

The slow family of Mr and Mrs Tortoise also sat there and vegetated as they ate their vegetables. Not so much fun for an energetic 5-year-Old.

Next was one place I am not sure why but is one of my greatest fear! Snake Park. This creature just makes me shiver. I had to gather all my courage and take him inside. Our guide was nice and polite as he explained to us the different types of Snakes and what they ate, poisonous or not. I had a hard time I must admit, seeing tiny green and big brown snakes, snakes on your right and left and all around the room was not my cup of tea, maybe a shot of tequila?

Then we went to my favorite animals in the Animal Kingdom the cat family. The Cheetahs paced and you would see he was unsettled as the female sat gracefully. My son did not like this and couldn’t even go close to the cage. He was just not impressed.

I keep saying, there is something about the Lion. The way it sits just shows authority! And this was one was not any different. He sat and watched and this time the Lioness paced and roared. It came so close to the cage and stood ready to take a Selfie. Again, my son was not so impressed.

And like any other child, his patience had run out. We took a stroll and he got to see a Lama, Baboons and Monkeys, Gazelles, oostriches fish and crocodiles he had so many questions and I had met my goal.

We had lunch at their floating restaurant and had an afternoon of swimming in their heated pool. By the time got home, we were both tired and we both had learned something new.

And onto our next episode!