Gulf Airlines – growing fleets, more destinations, more career opportunities


(Posted 27th January 2015)

All three leading Gulf carriers, Qatar Airways, Emirates and Etihad, will begin fresh recruitment drives over the next couple of weeks, focusing on India, Sri Lanka, Australia, South America, parts of Europe and of course Africa.

Announcements on the respective company websites – found by following relevant links to career opportunities – have appeared and give information what openings are available and when or where the recruitments will take place. While some session are by invitation only, very likely to interview individuals who have on earlier occasions already sent in their CV’s, are other sessions open and from past experience heavily subscribed.

Etihad for instance on Sunday made it known that they are seeking individuals with an outstanding hospitality experience to join their cabin crews with heavy emphasis on recruiting staff in market places considered important for the airline.

Qatar Airways will specifically recruit in Africa, the Asia / Pacific region and Eastern Europe.

Deliveries of new aircraft and the opening of new routes combined with added frequencies to existing destinations makes it necessary to have enough cockpit and cabin crews available to keep the planes flying, but also of course are ground personnel and technically qualified staff needed to provide services to passengers and maintain the growing fleets.

Interested individuals should check out the airlines’ websites, monitor local newspapers for relevant announcements or simply check out career opportunities via website links and follow the guidelines how to apply for positions which appear there.

Jobseekers are however advised not to apply through this blog site or to seek information about specific cities and dates but to approach the airlines, or their respective offices, directly via, and