UCOTA wishes you all a Happy New Year 2016

Enjoy the first news bulletin of 2016 from Uganda’s
grass root tourism organization UCOTA!

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Welcome to our last quarter of the year 2015 UCOTA monthly e-newsletter. This issue features news from UCOTA, our member community enterprises, Uganda tourism industry stakeholders and other tourism related information. Our editorial team would like to appreciate you for taking some time off to read this issue and we wish to get feedback and comments with an aim of improving our subsequent editions.
We thank you for visiting and interacting with us on the UCOTA facebook and blog pages. You can also visit our websiteswww.ucota.or.ug, www.pearlsofuganda.org for more information. At UCOTA e wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2016
We wish you enjoyable reading…!

Thank you!
Helen Lubowa
Executive Director

Registration of Community Based Tourism Enterprises (CBTEs).

UCOTA is to spearhead inventory development of all community Based tourism enterprises (CBTEs) in Uganda starting July 2015. All managers of CBTEs are therefore encouraged to register their CBTEs then either through (1) UCOTA websites;ucota , info, (3) Phone (direct calls/ sms) 414 501866, 0772657700, 0712500019 or physically at the office (map below). The registration information includes;
Name and type of enterprise, location, ownership (if community number of males/females), contacts, services offered and prices, number of staff, number direct and indirect beneficiaries and community development projects supported by enterprise.

Why register?

  1. To plan for better service delivery by both government and UCOTA e.g capacity building and marketing.
  2. Be part of the National CBTE inventory

Your cooperation towards the exercise shall be highly appreciated.

UCOTA takes Her partners for a filed visit
One of the key roles of UCOTA is to assist her members to develop quality and competitive community-based tourism niche products and as UCOTA develops these products she goes the extra mile of searching for equitable markets, potential buyers and the tourists who wish to blend nature with community tourism. Towards the end of October, UCOTA had a chance to take some of our partners to the Western Uganda to sample the community products which bring a smile to both the operators of the SMEs and the community at large. Read more

In memory of Nnamasole (Queen mother) Majeri Lunkuse

e6c7afc2-2511-4282-97e8-3f2ff361041e.jpgNnamasole Majeri Lunkuse reigned as Queen mother from 1927 to October 2015 when she pass-on. She was laid to rest at the Bagalaayaze tombs in the same place where her predecessor was buried. She inherited the position at the age of 3 after the death of Queen mother Julian Tezitendwa, a wife to Kabaka Mutesa I and mother to Kabaka Mwanga II mostly known for sentencing the Uganda Martyrs and ordering the excavation of the Kabaka’s lake. She died at the age of 90 years leaving behind one of the Buganda touristic sites near Kampala. She was succeeded by Nnamasole Mary Nabacwa who now resides in the same place and takes care of the site. Read More

Lutembe gets volunteer from JICA
ca1e639a-3133-4908-9d47-6b0f342ecc96.jpgOne of the new members of UCOTA, Lutembe wetland users association recieved a volunteer to help the organisation in the implementation of the recently launched action plan developed with the support of Nature Uganda. The volunteer placement was facilitated by JICA, the Japan International Corporation in partnership with UCOTA. Read more

UCOTA was invited by Nature Uganda to present a paper on the theme “Bridging the Gap of Community Conservation and Human Well-being”. The date was November 5th when this paper was presented to the normally nature Uganda members and other conservation stakeholders who normally attend these public talks and so they made it a point to attend this day.
“Even as industrial civilization reaches into the farthest corners of the globe to extract resources such as oil, timber and fish, environmentalists are striving to mitigate its deleterious effects on the biosphere. Projects to reduce pollution, prevent climate change and protect biodiversity, however, are drawing criticism that they could drive indigenous people off their lands and destroy their livelihoods.” Read more

UCOTA conducts livelihood improvement training with communities
1dc0bc54-878b-453e-9fdf-e9881cc5649f.jpgAs the year comes to an end, UCOTA in collaboration with Nature Uganda are conducting a series of trainings with the groups of Lutembe Bay wetland users’ and Babamba wetland users association. These are two new groups of UCOTA who are also working with Nature Uganda to facilitate a livelihood improvement program these trainings include, Mushroom (Oyster) growing, tree planting, hand Crafts development, records keeping and Music dance and drama. Read more

Community of the month
Bushara Islands camp

A Safe Retreat on Beautiful Lake Bunyonyi

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Tacked on one of the islands of lake Bunyonyi the rumoured to be the second deepest in Africa with a rich history and a variety of birdlife hence it name “Bunyonyi”. The Island I ideal for the travelers on their way to see the mountain gorillas, or just looking for a retreat on your journey? Come to Bushara Island Camp, a popular facility on Lake Bunyonyi (“Lake of the Little Birds”). The first of its kind, the camp is a stopover to and from Gorilla tours, a bird watcher’s haven, and a private place for retreats. This small island is peaceful, safe, natural, intriguing to day-visitors and families, and a sanctuary for the weary traveler. The perfect location to get away from it all, Bushara Island is a wonderful place to relax in comfort surrounded by nature. The green hills and papyrus swamps offer many opportunities for bird watching and Eucalyptus trees and shady nooks along private paths provide quiet places to sit and read a book. Read more


Further reading

Travel Quotes

  • “When we get out of the glass bottle of our ego and when we escape like the squirrels in the cage of our personality and get into the forest again, we shall shiver with cold and fright. But things will happen to us so that we don’t know ourselves. Cool, unlying life will rush in.” – D. H. Lawrence
  • “To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.” – Freya Stark
  • “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
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