HAPPY TOURISM DAY 2024 says Tourism Consultant Dr. Alain St.Ange from Seychelles


(Posted 27th September 2024)


As the World at large marks Tourism Day 2024 it remains important to
reflect that distractions are thrown out of the window and let the industry
professionals dig it to consolidate their industry.

Tourism is an Industry and not an Activity” said Alain St.Ange, the
Tourism Consultant who works wit Tourism Boards and Ministries of
Tourism across Main Land Africa and the ASEAN BLOCK, before adding “An
Industry we need to see tourism professionals rally to ensure it works. From the highest office as SG of the UNWTO and not just those working in the private sector trade”.

Tourism & Peace is the tag line dedicated to Tourism Day 2024 and this line
is of course timely with wars raging on between Ukraine / Russia and Gaza /
Israel and in Sudan among other conflicts.

But just a new tagline will do little to send the right message into the needed arena. The world of tourism needs more. It needs its tourism professionals heard, it needs its
professionals to lead the industry and then the new tagline of Tourism & Peace will be heard clearly and very loudly.


Uganda has meanwhile celebrated World Tourism Day in the town of Kasese, located in the foothills of the Rwenzori Mountains, aka Mountains of the Moon.

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