Help Send a Rhino Home


(Posted 23rd September 2024)


Send a Rhino Home


Just over a year ago, African Parks rescued 2,000 southern white rhino from a failed captive breeding operation, that were at risk of being poached or sold off as part of a liquidation process. We did this with one clear goal: to rewild each and every one to well-protected landscapes across Africa.

These 2,000 rhino represent 13% of the world’s remaining population. Their return to the wild is one of the surest ways to help save the species, while also allowing them to realise their full conservation value. Each rhino we send home is a step forward for conservation in Africa.


Send a Rhino Home


Moving 2,000 rhino is the largest, multinational wildlife translocation in history. While we have successfully moved 160 rhino this year to two locations within South Africa, we need to move 300 a year for the next 10 years.

Today on World Rhino Day, we’ve launched a way for you to be part of this journey and help send a rhino home.  By doing so, and donating to African Parks, you’re not just helping to send a rhino home, you’re contributing to the future of conservation, the preservation of a species, and the lasting health of our planet. And we thank you.

Your comments are welcome and will receive a response in due course.