(Posted 11th July 2018)
News are emerging that Hong Kong customs officials, on cooperation with their mainland counterparts, seized 277 kilograms of ivory, following on an earlier seizure of 47 kilograms which led to the arrest of several individuals at the time.
Following the latest seizure were again a further 8 suspects arrested, including the individual thought behind the smuggling scheme.
When found guilty they will face a fine of 10 million HK Dollars and imprisonment for 10 years.
This comes just a few days prior to Kenya’s Jim Justus Nyamu setting out on his historic cross Africa walk to raise awareness for the plight of the African elephant during which he will walk from #Nairobi all the way to #Johannesburg, crossing through #Tanzania, #Zambia, #Zimbabwe and finally #Botswana before reaching #SouthAfrica, a distance of 4.200 kilometres. His previous longest walk took him across the entire Eastern African region covering over 3.400 kilometres at the time.
Jim #WalkForElephants has made it his life mission to walk for the elephants in Africa and draw attention to the continued slaughter, which over the past decade and a half saw tens of thousands of elephant mowed down with automatic weapons and butchered and most of the blood ivory then making its way to China.