Houston Marketing announces added Israel SpotLight Workshops


(Posted 24th February 2020)

Uganda and Israel have agreed on direct flights between the two countries, which is likely to heighten competition in the East African region on this route.

Ethiopian Airlines and RwandAir already fly to Tel-Aviv. Kenya Airways are also considering starting flights to Tel Aviv

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Uganda this month for bilateral talks where he announced that his country was ready to start direct flight between Tel-Aviv and Entebbe.

The Spotlight Workshop in Tel Aviv on March 30th is therefore ideal timing for Uganda Tour operators ,hotels and safari lodges to meet all the major Israeli Tour operators and negotiate packages

Spotlight Tel Aviv is nearly fully booked -but we still have a TABLE available for a Ugandan Inbound tour operator ,hotel or safari lodge.

The Israeli Outbound Market to Africa & Indian Ocean Islands is growing rapidly!
Join the Spotlight Tel Aviv workshop on March 30th in Tel Aviv to meet the leaders of the booming Israeli Outbound market

In 2018 26,000 Israelis visited South Africa and 6,000 went to Kenya. Israel has also become a prime target market for Tanzania (in particular Zanzibar) with 20,000 arrivals in 2018. During 2018, 7.9 million trips by Israelis were made (by air) – a 12% increase compared to 2017. These trips were made by 4.1 million Israelis of which 2.2m travelled once and 1.9m twice or more.


This trend also continued during the first 9 months of 2019 when approx 6.4 million trips abroad were made by Israelis – an increase of 3.4 % compared to the same period in 2018.

The total population of Israel is 9 million which means that almost half of the total population travelled abroad in 2018. The average age of Israelis traveling abroad is 40.

The main reasons for this high and constant increase of outbound traffic is the relative quiet military situation; the positive state of the Israeli economy; the decreased fuel costs, the strong value of the local currency and the open-sky policy which allows more airlines to fly to Israel increasing competition and lowering airfares.

Spotlight on Africa Tel Aviv creates a unique chance for you to meet the leaders of the Israeli Outbound Market – at no other travel fair can you have this special B2B opportunity!

Rwandair and Air Seychelles have recently started flights to Tel Aviv while Ethiopian Airlines flies daily from Addis to Tel Aviv. There are also Israeli charter services into Zanzibar.

You cannot miss the opportunity of infiltrating the booming Israeli outbound market
Houston Travel Marketing has teamed up with PITA Marketing – Israel’s leading Tourism Marketing Company to organise this one-day workshop.

A maximum of 20 Exhibitors from Africa / Indian Ocean will be invited and they will participate on 20 Table Top Round-robin sessions with leading Israeli Outbound Tour Operators, Wholesalers & Incentive Travel DMC’s who sell Africa. The full-day workshop will be followed by a networking cocktail party which will also be attended by Israeli Travel Press.

Sunday 29 March 2020: Tel Aviv

  • 19h00: Exhibitor Welcome Party and briefing session at an Israeli restaurant. Drinks included. Meals can be ordered at your own cost.

Monday 30 March 2020: Georgian Restaurant, Rothschild Street, Tel Aviv

  • 09:30 – 17h00: Spotlight Workshops: 20 B2B round-robin sessions of 10 minutes each with tea breaks & networking lunch
  • 17h00 – 18h00: Cocktail Party for attendees and Travel Press Tuesday

31 March 2020: Fly Home

USD1500/ ZAR 22900 + VAT for South African registered companies


Derek Houston
Tel +27 12 6651191 Cell +27 82 4640901



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