#HoustonMarketing takes their spotlight workshop to #AddisAbaba

Target the Ethiopian Outbound Market to East Africa
Spotlight Travel Expo Addis Ababa: 24 – 25 July 2019
There is a considerable volume of corporate and leisure travel from Addis Ababa to East African cities as well as Indian Ocean beach resorts by Ethiopian nationals, Expats as well as the UN, AU and NGO’s.


Our three previous Travel Expo’s have been very well attended by Addis Travel Agents and Tour Operators. Spotlight TravelExpo 2018 was attended by 88 trade. 36 Managers of Travel Agencies attended the VIP Networking Party at Hilton Addis.

A top-rated Washington DC Financial services firm ranked Ethiopia Number 3 on the fastest growing economies list. Ethiopia with a total population of 95 million has averaged around 10.5% GDP annual growth over the last decade with a growing middle-class population (who like to travel).

Ethiopia has overtaken Kenya this year as the biggest economy in Eastern Africa.

Over the past few years the outbound market from Ethiopia has registered significant growth. Over 9000 Ethiopians visited South Africa in 2018 (a 5% growth on 2017) and approximately 24,000 Ethiopians travelled to Kenya. There is also a significant expatriate population who travel frequently on business and on holiday. Addis is the headquarters for the AU and UNECA as well as many NGO’s and other International Organisations based there.

Spotlight TravelExpo supported by Ethiopian Travel Agents Association (ETAA) the Ethiopian Tour Operators Association (ETOA) and Ethiopian Airlines.

#EthiopianAirlines has been designated the Official carrier of Spotlight TravelExpo.

Ethiopian Airlines Addis based Sales-team will be sending invites to all 95 IATA Travel Agents as well as more than 120 Non-IATA Agents based in the capital. Ethiopian Airlines will actively encourage agents to attend Spotlight TravelExpo.

Kenya, Seychelles, Zanzibar, South Africa, China, Thailand, United Emirates, USA, Europe are the most popular destinations for Ethiopian travellers. Ethiopian Airlines will be offering special fares for exhibitors to attend Spotlight TravelExpo.

Spotlight TravelExpo Addis Ababa will comprise two events

  • A VIP Cocktail Party for 30 Top Travel Agency/Tour Operator owners/directors in co-operation with ETAA, ETOA and Ethiopian Airlines on Wednesday evening 24 July.Sponsored by Ethiopian Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa.
  • One 4-hour morning TravelExpo session on Thursday 25 July at Ethiopian Skylight Hotel Addis Ababa Hotel.

Regional African and Overseas Travel is increasing so it will be an ideal opportunity for Airlines, International Tourist Offices, Beach Resorts, Hotel Groups and Cruise Companies to network with agents.

The Spotlight TravelExpo will promote:

  • Inter-regional travel from Ethiopia to Eastern Africa, Indian Ocean resorts and other African countries
  • Outbound Overseas Travel from Ethiopia
  • Domestic Travel within Ethiopia

I hope you will decide to participate at Spotlight TravelExpo Addis Ababa and I look forward to receiving your booking

Book your table now!
Best Regards
Derek Houston: Houston Travel Marketing Services
Tel: +27 12 6651191 | Cell: +27 82 4640901