How best to embrace and use new technologies? By getting trained!


(Posted 08th September 2015)

Today’s work environment in the hospitality industry is rapidly changing with ever new technologies and of course the latest craze, Apps, coming on the market literally by the day. Original training of hotel staff of course covered plenty of aspects of what to expect in the workplace but if one thing is clear, the relentless march into the e-age requires probably more training to stay abreast with the latest trends., Eastern Africa’s market leader in its field, has therefore now launched a series of workshops in Nairobi, the first taking place on the 09th of September, where in particular reception staff can learn what is new and how to use the latest technologies to make their work easier, respond faster and capture transactions for a range of statistical and accounts measures.

The one day seminar and workshop will address critical aspects of online tourism including: online bookings and reservation, customer relations, social media, hotel review platforms, online payments and value-added service. According to a report by World Travel and Tourism and Council, more than 59% of travel bookings are currently done online, while a report by Euro Monitor stated that travelers will usually visit fourteen different sites before finally placing their online booking. It’s important to note that in the event where customers will not book online, 96% of the travelling population will still do their primary travel research on the internet.

This leaves to no doubt about the importance for any accommodation supplier to come up with an online strategy as well as get fully involved with the the latest booking trends emerging in the market. It’s also important to notice that sometimes it’s not just about pricing when it comes to a customer’s preference but also about available amenities such as Wi-Fi and other perks and the availability of a mobile booking option as proven by Jovago Customer Booking Trends research earlier this year and published here at the time.

Reiterating on the importance of the training, Estelle Verdier –Managing Director for Jovago East & Southern Africa commented that, ‘…ascertaining that our customers get the best online service on the platform is key to ensuring growth and business to our partner hotels. Meeting and serving the customer at their point of need and demand creates a seamless process that encourage better reviews and more recommendations’.

The first such training, fully sponsored by the Jovago, will take place on Wednesday this week at the Pride Inn – Westlands, Nairobi. Watch this space for additional such workshops to be announced in due course.