How long before CITES crashes

The first news update of the year from the Conservation Action Trust

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Conservation Action Trust
How Long Before CITES Crashes?

11 December 2015 | Annamiticus | John M. Sellar |

In a little over a month’s time, the CITES Standing Committee will meet for five days in Geneva. This body is made up of regional representatives of the now 181 countries that have agreed to regulate wildlife trade using the provisions of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. … Full Story ?


Why Shutting Down China’s Ivory Trade Won’t Be Easy

8 January 2016 | National Geographic | Laurel Neme |

China is the world’s largest ivory consumer, with its legal market often providing cover for illegal ivory. The intertwining of these two markets—legal and illegal—is the subject of a new report by Elephant Action League, a nonprofit organization dedicated to fighting wildlife crime. The country has a legal ivory stockpile of about 40 metric tons … Full Story ?


Blending Ivory: China’s Old Loopholes, New Hopes

30 December 2015 | | Elephant Action League |

EAL publishes today a report on its undercover investigation in mainland China and Hong Kong in an effort to expose the areas where illegal ivory opportunistically enters the legal ivory market, and where China’s legal trade system and legal businesses are exploited to launder illegal ivory onto the legal market. The investigation was performed over … Full Story ?


How Poaching Destroys Elephant Wisdom

17 December 2015 | The Atlantic | Ed Yong |

It was Ebony who kept the family together, in the face of vicious slaughter and unspeakable tragedy. She was the last matriarch of the Hardwoods, a group of elephants that George Wittemyer and his colleagues have been getting to know since 1997. When he first met the Hardwoods at Kenya’s Samburu National Park, they comprised … Full Story ?


Don’t celebrate falling ivory prices too soon

15 December 2015 | Linkedin | Grace Gabriel |

Last week, Save the Elephants announced that  ivory prices in China have dropped by half in the past 18 months. The falling ivory price indicates that public awareness campaigns by many organizations including the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) are making an impact on consumer attitudes in China. It may also be caused by … Full Story ?

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