Hwange, binoculars & travel jabs … all in the next Travel Africa edition

The latest Travel Africa magazine talks about Hwange, binoculars & travel jabs

Jambo! “Return to old watering holes for more than water; friends and dreams are there to meet you.” African proverb

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The Winter edition of Travel Africa will be going to print very soon, and we’ve compiled an amazing selection of features on seasons, rugged beauty spots, islands and battlefields for you to discover – and we can’t wait to share all this with you!

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Hot dogs!

The sad fact is that in a world in which habitat for wildlife is shrinking fast, wild dogs are being starved of the key thing they need as a species to survive: space. So it’s encouraging to be in a reserve where they’re doing really well. Its 22 years now since the successful reintroduction of the species to Madikwe, and Ann and Steve Toon were in Madikwe two years ago hoping to see these endangered predators.

On the right track

It’s great to hear of a national park that is thriving, and whose challenges are the result of its successes. So last year we sent Geoffrey Dean to Hwange for an enviable visit to see what kind of experience is on offer.

Travel jabs

Tips to protect your budget as well as your health, by Ben West – you can reduce costs significantly by doing a little research and shopping around

Binoculars in focus

Binoculars bring nature’s finest details right up close when you’re on safari. But there are a multitude on the market. So how do they all compare?

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Safari njema!
Sherry Rix, Customer Services
