Dear ATC Readers,
There are changes every year to air cargo regulations, and updates to industry standards that affect how cargo is handled and shipped.
The new editions of the IATA DGR and Cargo Standards manuals contain all the latest information you need to ensure timely compliance and smooth operations in 2019. Updating your editions is essential to the continuing quality of your cargo services. In a fiercely competitive market, it can make all the difference to company success!

Here are some of the changes covered in the 2019 editions:
- Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) – 60th edition: updates encompass new requirements for lithium batteries, as well as significant changes to the provisions for the classification of corrosive substances. View the full summary here.
- Live Animals Regulations (LAR) – 45th edition: new recurrent training requirements coming into force on 1 January 2019. Greater emphasis on the handling and transport of venomous and/or poisonous animals. Important updates on the overall container requirements.
- Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR) – 18th edition: reinstates the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system as a systematic approach to the identification, evaluation, and control of food safety hazards.
- Temperature Control Regulations (TCR) – 7th edition: changes related to the temperature mapping of storage areas, as well as new considerations on temperature mapping of aircraft cargo holds.
- ULD Regulations (ULDR) – 7th edition: clarification on ULD external volume, internal volume and notional volume, as well as flammability requirements for plastic sheet. Addition of ULD weighing and marking guidance.
- Cargo handling Manual (ICHM) – 3rd edition: the handover process (handshake) between Cargo and Ramp (ICHM and IGOM manuals); the standards for the new IATA Smart Facility Operational Capacity (SFOC) Audit.
- Cargo Services Conference Resolution (CSCRM) – 39th edition: amended AWB and eAWB provisions to make eAWB the default process in air cargo. New recommended practice on piece level tracking in air cargo.