(Posted 01st July 2022)

Being an aviation leader means knowing your domain backwards and forwards. In a complex industry, you need more than just the basics to succeed. IATA academic programs give you a career edge with the in-depth aviation business knowledge and skills you need to advance. |
Whatever your professional path or goals, we have a program for you. |

Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in Global Air Transport Management Prepare to lead the aviation industry into tomorrow by knowing every angle of the business. |

Masters in Business Administration in Aviation (MBAA) Be an aviation performance guru able to lead your organization through commercial challenges. |

Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in Aviation Management Gain your wings in aviation management and prepare to lead today and into the future. |

Professional Certification in Air Transportation Principles and Policy Be an advocate for sector-wide solutions and understand how to influence key drivers of the air transport business. |

Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Environmental Sustainability in Aviation
Prepare to lead the charge to a brighter future as a champion of aviation sustainability.