Investments in equipment and staff training pays off handsomely


(Posted 09th September 2015)

Increased competition notwithstanding has Swissport Tanzania, on the back of a strong overall performance of the aviation industry, just seen the company’s half year profits soar by over 40 percent. In real terms was Swissport’s profit for the half year just short of 7 billion Tanzania Shillings, up from last year over the same period of time of just under 5 billion Tanzania Shillings.

This rise emerges on the back of a rise by nine percent of flights handled and an increase in cargo volumes by 3 percent for the first six months of 2015.

The company had in recent years invested heavily in new equipment but, perhaps even more important, invested in their staff training centre to be able to meet the growing expectations of clients, among them aviation industry leaders like Emirates, Qatar Airways and Swiss.

Dar es Salaam’s Julius Nyerere International Airport is looking ahead to a major capacity expansion when the new international terminal will be completed and commissioned, setting the stage for yet more airlines flying into Tanzania’s commercial capital and more flight movements through more frequencies by carriers operating in and out of Dar.

The upcoming elections should not be a problem for more growth in aviation. Tanzania has always stood out for mature election campaigns unlike other African countries. Tourist bookings are holding up and I have no doubt that business traffic too will continue towards and after the elections. The Ebola scare which for long haunted us even from such a long distance is now over and visitor numbers are bound to rise more. This will also help airlines and in particular Fastjet which has just added a lot of more flights out of Dar es Salaam, will bring about robust growth for the sector’ wrote the source when passing the Swissport figures late yesterday.