It is listen and learn as MKTE’s Symposium day launches the 2014 edition of East Africa’s most important international tourism trade show


(Posted 07th October 2014)

This year’s Magical Kenya Travel Expo will actually start in the morning already, a day ahead of the advertised dates, to allow for a full day of interaction in seminars packed with key note speakers.

First launched last year was the programme and the timing refined to allow seminar participants to concentrate fully on the topics at hand without having to rush back and forth to and from the exhibition spaces.

KTB has released the programme of speakers and topics to allow visitors to the Travel Expo to decide which of the seminars they want to attend, a value added service for those signed up without added expense.

Reinventing Kenya’s Tourism – Going beyond Nature’ – Dr Joseph Wadawi, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Tourism & Hospitality, Strathmore University

Is market diversification and new market development the key to tourism sustainability?’ – Amanda Hills CEO, Hills Balfour UK, Destination PR and Marketing Agency

Recovering in Turbulent Times – Managing the erosion of Brand Equity’ – Eran Ketter (PhD) – Researcher and Lecturer in tourism marketing at the University of Haifa – Israel and John Bell – Crisis Consultant, UK

Building County Appeal – Anita Mendiratta, Founder & Managing Director, CACHET Consulting – South Africa

Optimizing on the Domestic Market – Insights on Challenges and Opportunities’ – IPSOS KENYA & KTB

Attracting Visitors through Events – Success stories’ – Phil Harte , CEO, Harte International

Going East? Insights from the Chinese market as a potential source market – Pankil Shah, Senior Project Manager, FieldGlobal

The official opening of MKTE 2014 will then take place on Wednesday, 08th October when the main exhibition and trade expo will go underway and with nearly 170 hosted buyers having made prior appointments with hotels, resorts and DMC’s does everyone from Kenya’s tourism industry expect to have busy sessions, showcase their attractions and sign contracts for 2015 and beyond. The sheer number of hosted buyers, exhibitors and media representatives is indicative that MKTE has since the launch four years ago established itself as the premier international tourism trade exhibition in the Eastern African region and the presence of observers and tourism boards from abroad too underscores how important THEY think MKTE has become as a platform to transact business.

Expect regular updates over the coming days from on site at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre where the Expo is once again taking place.