It’s been a while! Here’s the latest from the Northern Rangelands Trust

Northern Rangelands Trust News

August & September 2017 update from NRT
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Aug/ Sep 2017

Photo Diary of a Rangelands Coordinator

Kieran Avery shares his best shots from the field; as he leads NRT’s efforts to support more sustainable land management in community conservancies.

All photos: Kieran Avery
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Camel caravan honours Ewaso River

5 days, 250km; to raise awareness on the plight of the Ewaso River, and promote peace in northern Kenya. Read more

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Circle of Life: Precious Ruko giraffe calf falls victim to a surprising predator

Tragedy has twice struck the giraffes of Ruko this year – rangers hold out hope for two calves by November. Read more

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Westgate community secure land rights

“When you are born and don’t have a birth certificate, you always feel insecure because you have no real identification. Not having a land rights certificate feels the same.” Read more

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Swapping beads for bees in Songa Conservancy

In Songa Conservancy, 61 entrepreneurial women are starting a beekeeping business, with support from the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Organization and African Beekeepers. Read more

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Warriors Run for their Girls’ Education

"Grassroots solutions are often the best, I truly believe this run will make an impact for our girls" – warriors from NRT member conservancies scoop top positions in a run to raise money for girls’ education. Read more

In the news

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ONES TO WATCH ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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How technology saved an abandoned baby rhino

An implanted microchip led rescuers to a lost, injured rhino just in time.

Source: CNN

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A transformed woman and an empowered community leader

The chairlady of Kirimon Conservancy talks of her transformative leadership and management training

Source: Forward Consulting

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How microchips are saving Kenya’s Black Rhinos

Through unique beeps and sounds, this microchip tracks Black Rhinos in the Savannah

Source: CNN

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Northern Rangelands Trust
Private Bag, Isiolo 60300
+254 (0) 64 31405