Just published: The St. Ange Tourism Report Edition 24 from the Seychelles and beyond


(Reposted 19th November 2017)


In this week’s Editorial our quote is a practical one from Mohammed Waseemuddin:

“There is no wine if grapes are not pressed. No perfume if flowers are not crushed, so don’t be afraid if there are pressures in your life, it will bring the best out of you”.

We see that to bring the best out of you is seen through your ability to be a role model and to show due respect to others.

On this William R. Goldstone said: “People are perfectly able to display the greatest manner and respect for others on their first encounter. In truth, the fullest measure of respect is not about first time appearances or impressions but on how consistently the thought of being respectful to others is applied”.

In the Editorial we speak of Budget Time in Seychelles and of the need for Air Seychelles to be better prepared to face the arrival of British Airways and of JOON by Air France, and about the airline’s staff asking for a bit of the cake for flying the Creole Spirit.

We discuss collaboration as the key to continued success for Seychelles tourism. This is discussed as it is also written by PATA. We see the solutions available by Seychelles right on its very own door step as this would uphold the theme of the 2018 Budget “For a more inclusive Seychelles Economy”.

The call by Tour Operators for more public feedback on properties and services is also tabled as well as guest feedback, the word of mouth.

A final message in this week’s Editorial says what has been said before “I will not stop to throw stones at every barking dog because this will just delay me getting to my destination”.

Stand alone articles in this Edition:

The humble rabbitfish – the unsuspecting pillar of our healthy coral reefs by Ameer Ebrahim, the Environmental Consultant. Also ‘Environment is a cornerstone of the tourism industry’, as said by the Seychelles Tourism Board CEO Sherin Francis on Sky News, “The freshest sushi in the world” discovered by a visitor on Denis Island, we discover the Praslin Holiday Home of Farida Camille, that Mauritius is the hub for FRED OLSEN & THOMAS COOK Cruises, the rewriting of Brand Africa as Kenya’s Minister Najib Balala climbs Mount Kenya to raise awareness of adventure tourism just a week ahead of the PMAESA Cruise Tourism meeting in Livingstone Zambia, we see that the James Michel Foundation is joined by Admiral Vincent Campredon as honorary member, the Taleb Rifai parting words on Richard Quest live on CNN as tweeted by Anita Mendiratta of CNN – TASK, that Daniella Payet-Alis wins 2017 Continental Awards, that Behram Udwadia receives his well-earned Doctorate, that Seychelles will be represented at the Miss University Africa pageant and we see Rodrigues new ecotourism trail.

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