Just published: The St. Ange Tourism Report Edition 25


(Posted 26th November 2017)

Welcome to Edition 25 of 26th of November 2017.

Seychelles, through marches and petitions, has made known that the people of the islands are tired of the culture of hate and lawlessness that has often been indirectly promoted by many of the would-be role models of the islands. As school children see this sad approach on national television, they try to imitate. We have seen this happening in schools, where teachers fear for their safety and for the safety of children in their care. Nightly, we also hear of incidents that continue to make Seychellois prisoners in their own home.

This is why our quote for this issue is by Martin Luther King (Jr):-

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that".

As the Christmas Season is fast approaching, the words of Bishop Denis Wiehe of the Seychelles echoed through his New Year Message in 2013, is again highlighted for reflection, because to bring the best out of you is seen through your ability to be role models and to show due respect to others.

Bishop Denis Wiehe said:-
"Respect for each person is the basis for true democracy".

Budget Time in Seychelles has shown that more local businesses want their share of the tourism market. Letters by Associations and appeals by individuals all show the need for Seychelles Tourism to be recognised and assisted to grow. Too many depend on this industry today, and their investments demand bigger or better results to now make ends meet. It is increasing tourism that will get a fairer share of the market to each player. Are we as a country speaking the same language? Or are some of us saying something in a forum, and at the same time pushing for obstacles in the wheel of the island’s tourism industry? One thing is clear, a consolidated tourism industry will not happen by itself. Seychelles will need to rise to this challenge. Today, group after group are seeking to get more from the tourism industry, and if that industry does not grow, the feeling of disappointment will end on the shoulders of the politicians elected to make things happen for the economic well being of our islands. The Pillar of the Seychelles economy is tourism and this is not set to change in the foreseeable future.

Safety and security remains a challenge we seem to be grappling with. A friend from Bel Air, Brondy Hertel, was this week viciously attacked right in the outskirts of greater Victoria. He was operated on at Seychelles Hospital last Thursday. This week again at North East Point, a guard dog was beaten up as thieves entered a property. Seychelles needs to dedicate funds for the police and other security agencies. We can bury our heads in the sand, but this will not solve the challenges we face. Adequate funds must, and adequate funds should, be allocated to allow Seychelles to feel safe again.
This week, I was on a working visit to Johannesburg and Cape Town in South Africa and also in Livingstone Zambia. In South Africa, accompanied by Peter Sinon, the Secretary General of the Seychelles Labor Union (SLU) we met with COSATU. In Livingstone, I was part of the PMAESA Conference and was honoured to discuss with many of the delegates present. I also met the Hon Minister Eng. Brian Mushimba, Zambia’s Minister for Transport & Communication, H.E. Madame Wheeler Mahawa Kaba, the Director for Women, Gender and Development in the Bureau of the Chairperson of the African Union (AU) and H.E. Auguste Ngomo, the AU Regional Delegate for Southern Africa, SADC and COMESA, and I am happy to report that with H.E. Ngomo this was an opportunity to discuss the past, the present and the future of our region and its Organisation’s possible involvement. My own bid of earlier this year for the position of SG of the UNWTO was also discussed in order to better understand what took place.
Alain St.Ange and Auguste Ngomo of the African Union (AU)

Finally, as I have said before I will say it again, I will not stop to throw stones at every barking dog because this will just delay me getting to my destination. It is important to again today acknowledge all who are diligently re-posting the Saint Ange Tourism Report weekly. Our Report ranges far and wide, from Australia to the Americas, from the Indian Ocean Vanilla islands to Africa & Asian and Greater Europe, with your continued support, which is greatly appreciated. You are helping us to go from strength to strength with each new Edition.

Enjoy the read,

Alain St.Ange

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