#KampalaSerenaHotel – a storm in a tea cup?


(Posted 30th June 2019)


The Kampala Serena Hotel, Uganda’s leading hospitality business, last Thursday suffered a brief labour outage.
As has been seen in the past at two other leading hotels did sources in the hospitality industry rather promptly point fingers at outside interference as the true reason for the short downing of tools with certain quarters perhaps hoping to benefit from fermenting troubles at the competition.
At the Serena, like in the past at one other hotel where militant staff were used – some sources went as far as suggesting ‘induced’ – were fake news employed to fan staff sentiments but the direct involvement of top Serena management nipped the ripples in the bud before the militants could cause more damage.
The hotel subsequently issued a public statement assuring their clients of continued uninterrupted services following meetings between the union, responsible staff representatives and management.
Several staff made contact with ATCNews distancing themselves from the short actions of some of their colleagues, one going as far as claiming that the perpetrators could have had a ulterior motives besides gaining profile among likeminded militants elsewhere.
Be all that as it may, tea is again being served at the Serena without even a light breeze in the cup, leave alone a storm.