#KaribuKiliFair News Updates

Let’s bring back tourism together !
Dear valued ATCNews readers and stakeholders,

COVID-19 (Corona) is still spreading out and leading our daily activities and future business opportunities. Most of us are working from home or have closed the business for a couple of months already. The global impact can be seen in all kinds of economy sectors, but massively in the tourism industry. Nevertheless, we all have to continue to develop new strategies and ways to survive, while preparing ourselves for the time after Corona.

We have postponed KARIBU-KILIFAIR to September 4th – 6th, 2020, in the interest of all stakeholders and to be ready with a well-prepared networking platform to meet & greet each other after a long time, and to promote Tanzania and East Africa tourism activities again !

KARIBU-KILIFAIR 2020 will physically happen in Arusha and for "first time ever" with online access to all those buyers who won’t be able to travel this year anymore.

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VIDEO Karibu-Kilifair 2019
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What’s new for 2020:

  • NEW postponed dates due to Corona crisis: Sept. 4-6, 2020
  • ONLINE CONTACT PLATFORM for registered, but not attending buyers
  • Event to be organized under strict hygienic & safety rules
  • Enlarged and improved 35,000 sq. meters Fair layout for 500+ exhibitors
  • All new 1500 sq. meters Marquee tent for Premium Resorts shell scheme stands
  • 1000 sq. metersMarquee tent for business networking, Buyer lounge, and Press
  • US$ 20,000 Jackpot for “Cashback” for dedicated international agents/buyers
  • More Works-shops, seminars & networking opportunities ever
  • Improved App with buyer appointment rating opportunities
  • Most amazing show-stage program ever – with 75+ Tanzanian & Intl. artists
  • More news can always be spotted at our frequently updated website www.kilifair.com