Kenya Airways and EC Air announce closer cooperation


ECAir (Equatorial Congo Airlines)

35 airlines attended the 47th Annual General Assembly of AFRAA iin Brazzaville, which drew to a close earlier in the week. More than 300 delegates had made their way to the Congolese capital, where in his welcoming address President N’Guesso told members: ‘One of the great merits of your association is the awareness that unity is strength and that in your industry salvation lies in the need for solidarity, in sharing essential resources and in vital synergy. Your association pursues ambitions and goals that are in perfect harmony with the African Union‘.
Both EC Air and Kenya Airways held talks behind closed doors it is understood to discuss a closer cooperation between the two carriers, confirmed by outgoing AFRAA President and CEO of EC Air Fatima Beyina-Moussa when she said: ‘I am also pleased to announce that Kenya Airways and ECAir have decided to collaborate closely in the near future. I would like to thank my colleague, Mr Mbuvi Ngunze, CEO of Kenya Airways‘.
EC Air held the rotating presidency of the African Airline Association for the year 2014/15 and handed over to Air Zimbabwe’s Edmund Makona. Zimbabwe’s resort town of Victoria Falls was confirmed to host the next 48th AFRAA Annual General Assembly from the 20th to 22nd November 2016.