Kenya Airways launches SkyPriority initiative


Frequent flyers of Kenya Airways and their SkyTeam alliance partners operating in and out of Nairobi will be delighted to hear of the latest initiative by the airline to make their travel more pleasant, starting with the check in on the ground. Termed a branded priority service by the airlines involved new measures are aimed at making priority visible and easily accessible for holders of frequent flyer cards under the SkyTeam banner while also offering premium passengers travelling in business or even first class a fast track solution from the moment they are stepping into the airport terminal.

The new service will be implemented in two phases starting this month with the airlines hub in Nairobi and Kenya Airways main domestic destinations Mombasa, Kisumu and Malindi before extending into the region to Dar es Salaam, Entebbe, Juba, Kigali and Bujumbura.

The second phase rollout will then commence during the July to end in November period and will cover the rest of the airlines global destinations including the rest of Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Far East, and Europe. Kenya Airways currently flies to 57 destinations from their Nairobi hub, the latest being New Delhi which was launched in mid May, and is presently operating a fleet of 35 aircraft with at least one new aircraft due for delivery on a monthly basis between July 2012 well into 2013. The Pride of Africa indeed. Watch this space for regular and breaking aviation news covering Eastern Africa and the Indian Ocean islands.

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