Today will see the long awaited formal opening of the extension of Kisumus newly elevated international airport by none other than President Mwai Kibaki who will fly to Kisumu from Nairobi for the function. Work for the expansion of Kisumu International Airport started back in 2009 but was initially troubled by local clans demanding compensation for land long in the possession of government, halting the construction for a considerable period of time. Kisumu, often being critizised by airlines for the poor state of the runway, had this centerpiece not only completely resealed but also extended to cater for wide bodied aircraft being able to land and take off with full loads. Equally was the taxiway extended and the terminal buildings were extensively refurbished and expanded, to cater for as many as 600 passengers to be processed per hour.
Kisumu is part of the Kenya Tourist Boards centre points in opening up new tourism circuits for visitors, not only because President Obambas paternal home village is just a few miles away from the lakeside city but also for nearby national parks and Lake Victoria.
Presently do Kenya Airways and Jetlink, amongst others, fly to Kisumu several times a day on scheduled services, making tourism and trade now much easier compared to the old days when visitors had to come by road or charter a light aircraft from Nairobis Wilson Airport.
The airport was initially built in the 1930s when Kisumu was still called Port Florence and in particular served East African Airways which in the early days of the first East African Community still operated a lake circuit connecting Entebbe across the lake in Uganda, Mwanza and Bukoba in Tanzania.