It was learned overnight that the Mara River, one of the key life arteries of the Masai Mara ecosystem, will get a welcome boost as some 25.000 tree seedlings will be planted from its catchment areas along the banks of the river and its key contributories. The initiative is a brainchild of WWF, which has also earmarked at least two contributory rivers flowing into the Mara River in Narok and neighbouring districts. Earlier in the week it was reported here that 62 elephant had been relocated from conflict critical areas of these districts into the Masai Mara Game Reserve, and the planting of trees is seen as a protective measure to ensure the future uninterrupted water flow in key rivers in the sub region bordering the conservancies around the Masai Mara and the game reserve itself.
Kenyas Mau forest has been in the news in recent years over governments half hearted attempt to restore the forests encroached areas but evictions have been slow in coming, inspite of the recognition that this forest, one of Kenyas most important water towers, needs restoration to its former size to avoid rivers drying outside the rainy seasons and to avoid major environmental degradations by soil erosion, often caused by flash floods which occur more and more due to the sharply reduced forest cover. Thank you WWF for doing what the Kenyan government appears unable to do themselves, or even unwilling maybe ahead of next years elections? Watch this space.