Kenya news – Nairobi InterContinental hosts International Women’s Day function, raises funds for girls primary school


The International Womens Day was celebrated at the InterContinental Hotel Nairobi in great style, when the Who is Who of Kenyas professional women came together, not just to celebrate but also to raise funds for the Mbagathi Girls Primary School which put portraits of Kenyas Women Leaders up for sale ahead of the evening function.
IHGs Director of Operations for Africa, Karl Hala, opened the evening by making some interesting data available from the InterContinental Hotels he oversees in Africa, of how many positions are now filled by capable women and how they progressively claim career advances and promotions, through sheer determination and hard work, competing with their male counterparts in the workplace on merit, not quotas.
Speakers included such eminent career women as Dr. Susan Mboya, Coca Colas Regional Director, Caroline Mutuku, one of Kenyas leading radio personalities with her own show on KISS 100 FM and Pastor Linda Ochola.
Amongst those present was one of Nairobis leading travel agents, Mrs. Judy Dabaly Scott of Bunsons Travel, adding the tourism sector to the wide array of professions, which ranged from the media over law to insurance and manufacturing, where Kenyas women have made an impact in recent years. The entertainment for the evening was provided by the Kayamba Africa Group.
When the final count on funds raised will be concluded and audited, it is expected to reach some 155.000 Kenya Shillings which will buy at least 100 desks and chairs for the Mbagathi Girls Primary School. Well done to the InterContinental Hotel and well done to the Women Leaders of Kenya.