As the hashtag line #TembeaKenya finds ever more followers amongst the tweep community in Kenya, with live reports from their travel across the country tweeted in and then re-tweeted by Magical Kenya and Kenya Wildlife Service, was the Kenya Museum Society busy to put final touches on a weeklong celebration of Know Kenya More, which kicks off on October 31st.
While details are available via info here are the key details for our readers, a mouthwatering array of lectures, presentations and debates culminating in a field trip to Karura Forest, the very one the late Prof. Wangari Mathaai rescued through her peaceful civil disobedience campaign, which first earned her beatings and detention by an overzealous police force but ultimately earned her the Nobel Peace Prize, a cabinet position and global recognition for her lifes achievements.
Participation in the full programme will cost 6.000 Kenya Shillings or about 60 US Dollar equivalent, well worth for what is on the programme. .
Eminent speakers like Cynthia Moss, Kenyas own Elephant Lady, Rhodia Mann, Dr. Wanja Nyingi or Kuki Gallman are likely to thrill the audience but documentary films and plenary discussions as well as cultural performances also await participants.
The event will close with a guided tour of Karura Forest, where undoubtedly much will be said in memory of the late Prof. Wangari Mathaai and where a picnic will eventually bring an eventful week to a close.
For those in Nairobi over the period, daily entrance is also available at a cost of 500 Kenya Shillings per lecture. A DONT MISS EVENT.