One of Kigalis most popular entertainment hotspots, DOWNTOWN burned to the ground last Friday, following a fire which reportedly originated in the kitchen of the combined restaurant, bar and nightclub. Well known to this correspondent from his regular visits to Rwandas capital, though only visited during day hours to avoid complications to an already complicated life, the fire at Downtown is the latest in a series of nightclub and entertainment hotspot fires which has seen several burnt to ashes in recent months.
An equally popular café, La Classe, located next door to Downtown, was also destroyed in the fire, which is now being investigated by police and the insurance company, as according to a regular source from Kigali being one too many has raised suspicion levels amongst officials. A pharmacy on the other side of Downtown also burned out and only the swift action of the fire brigade avoided the blaze to spread even further.
The fire started well before the club on normal Friday nights would have been filled to the brim, probably sparing lives and making sure no one was injured, though little of the equipment could be rescued.
Knowing Rwandas young entrepreneurs though, a new night spot will not take long to be established and opened up to cater for the growing demand of places with good food, good service and good music. Watch this space.